Friday, July 27, 2007

So here is the DS that got signed. When Miyamoto-san saw it he recognized it for what it is: a special editon Hot Rod Red DS that only came in a special package that included Mario Kart DS. The signatures are, starting at the top and going clockwise, Reggie Fils-Ame, Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Anouma.

The building 8 project, officially called the Ministry Conference Center Project, is going along nicely. We lost a bunch of guys this week, so things slowed down a little, but the three that are left are getting stuff done still. Most of our time is still occupied by pressure washing the ceiling, but we are also making time to repair and tune up our ancient fleet of heavy machinery. The machinery is in really poor condition right now, but it all runs for the most part. Besides, I'm told we got four boom lifts and a fork lift for about half the price of one new boom lift. That's quite a steal, but we still have to spend a lot of effort trying to keep them running.

Since I have to keep up with my job at, and I have no real income, I am putting a new item on my list of things that would make a great gift to me. I may just shell out for it myself, eventually, but I have no money as of now. As much as I hate to do this, I may have to sell a few shares of my Nintendo stock to buy some of the things I need. I won't say which item is new, but feel free to peruse the list and help support my cause.

Speaking of my stock, it has more than doubled since I got it last October.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh your birthday is going to be great Thanks for the descriptive List - The Kiwi